25 January 2010

Sanokaa nyt jotain

Vihdoinkin on myös G-Dragonin sekä Aimee Lee Lucasin (eli sen naisen, joka oli "kuivahässittävänä") näkökulmat G-D'n keikkaskandaaliin. Käännöksiä en vaivaudu tekemään, mutta toivotaan, että heidänkin sanansa onnistuisivat saamaan lisää ihmisä puolelleen ja lieventämään oikeuden päätöstä.

G-D's point of view:
"I’m a popular artist for the public. I believe in how the public judges me. It’s my fault if the public felt what I intended was too much or too inappropriate. But it wasn’t a concert that was aired to the public so I wanted to show a more fierce and memorable side. I’m so sad that things weren’t accepted the way I intended them to be accepted.

I really ran straight forward to get to this solo concert since I was a young kid. I might be saying this because I’m still young but after the concert I thought to myself, “I don’t want anything else.” But then the next day, I only saw criticism on the internet so my heart felt like it was breaking
A fake laugh came out instead of tears as I asked myself, “Wherever I go, will I be criticized?” All I wanted was to show the audience various sides of me. I showed many images of myself during my performances, including a cheerful look and a cool look; why was only this part highlighted and made into an incident? The press articles of the media used such strong words in the headlines, and when I realized that my parents would see the articles, I felt embarrassed and disappointed.

 I didn’t think too much. But I wish people wouldn’t judge so quickly and pessimistically. The song Breathe is about not wanting to wake up because your ideal type keeps appearing in your dream. The song has a fantasy theme so I wanted to use the bed to show someone who’s lost in his dreams. To the public, it came off as something too sexual. I thought to myself, “I’m not like that but I guess it seemed that way to people.

Whether people give positive or negative comments, they are taking interest in me. If someone tells me I did
 something wrong, I take it as a comment to help me fix my ways. I’ll listen to what everyone’s saying and use it to help improve the next album. I’ll do my best with the Big Bang album coming out later this year"

G-Dragon has sex at his first concert?
 Aimee Lee Lucas' point of view:
“I was shocked when I heard what was happening … We performed two shows on a Saturday and Sunday. All the VIPs and big people came out on Saturday and no one said anything. During rehearsals, no one told
us we were going too far and should hold back. So the reaction was surprising.
At the meeting, G-Dragon had pretty much the same idea to do something around a stand-up bed … He likes to let loose and push boundaries. Everyone agreed so that’s what we worked on.
There was no humping … If you watch the [footage], the whole bit lasts only a few seconds. He straddles me for a bit, we do some ‘acting’ and then we’re done. I had to lift myself [on the stand-up bed] and hang there and support all my body weight with my arms. I could only do that for a couple of seconds so there wasn’t any time to do any humping"
Luultavasti Korean päättäjien vakuuttelu on silti vaikeampaa kuin täkäläisten, eikä G-D muutenkaan ole ensimmäinen artisti jonka levy on merkitty alaikäisille sopimattomaksi. Vuoden vankilatuomio parin minuutin esityksestä (jossa itse "humping" kestikin vain sen muutaman sekunnin) on jotenkin vain kohtuutonta. Ikävää kritisoida toisten kulttuuria, mutta ehkä G-D'n oli jo aikakin hieman shokeerata ja rikkoa muureja ja turhia siveyssäänöjä.

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